Faculty Directory

Klauda, Jeffery

Klauda, Jeffery

Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Maryland Energy Innovation Institute
Maryland Applied Graduate Engineering
1227A Chemical and Nuclear Engineering Building


  • Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering, University of Delaware, 2003
  • B.S. in Chemical Engineering, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institutes, 1998
  • B.S. in Applied Mathematics, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institutes, 1998


Before joining the Chemical Engineering Department at UMD in Fall 2007, Dr. Klauda was an Intramural Research Training Award (IRTA) Postdoctoral Fellow in the Laboratory of Computational Biology at the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, National Institutes of Health (NIH). There, he studied lipid forcefield improvements and dynamical behavior of membranes, and transport of sugars through the cell membrane via proteins. His Ph.D. work mainly involved predicting the thermodynamic stability of gas hydrates and global amount of this alternate source of natural gas. The separation of molecular nitrogen and oxygen via nanoporous carbons was also a part of his doctoral work.


  • 1994 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute’s Medal of Science
  • 1998-1999 Pigford Fellowship (Dept. of Chemical Engineering at the University of Delaware)
  • 2003-2007 Intramural Research Training Award (NIH)
  • 2008 Minta Martin Award (UMD)
  • NSF CAREER (2012-2017)
  • Omega Chi Epsilon Award from the Chi Chapter (UMD)
  • University System of Maryland's PROMISE AGEP Outstanding Faculty Mentor (2015)


  • American Institute of Chemical Engineers
  • American Chemical Society
  • Biophysical Society


Cell membrane biophysics, thermodynamics, and molecular simulations.

Professor Klauda's research interests encompass thermodynamic modeling and molecular simulations with applications in energy, gas separation, and biomolecular systems. Thermodynamic stability of natural gas hydrates (gas encapsulated by a water crystal lattice of cavities) requires high pressures. These are commonly found in pipelines and can plug the flow of natural gas, but also exist in nature in permafrost or the seafloor.  His thermodynamic/mass transfer modeling of methane hydrates in the seafloor suggests that there are three orders of magnitude more methane in hydrated form than in conventional global reserves. These results also have huge implications for an alternate source of natural gas reserves within the U.S. to reduce dependency on foreign energy sources. Moreover, this form of water offers a potential way to sequester carbon dioxide and efficiently separate gasses.

Professor Klauda's research in the bioarea is focused on understanding the behavior of cell membranes and how small molecules, such as sugars, cholesterol, and drugs are transported into and out of the cell. This work involves using molecular simulations to study cell membranes at an atomic level. Some fundamental research focuses on developing models to describe interactions between and within lipid molecules and probing the structure of model membranes. These models are then use to develop descriptions of cellular membranes from single-celled organisms (yeast and bacteria) to membranes in human cells (ocular lens and neuronal membranes). We also do research in membrane-associated proteins that are involved in molecule transport across the cellular membrane (secondary active transporters), lipid transport proteins between cellular organelles, ion-assistant membrane protein binding in cellular death, and signaling proteins involved in growth (plexin proteins).

Dr. Klauda is currently collaborating with experimental groups to better understand membrane function and dynamics at a molecular level, including Professor Mary Roberts (Boston College), Dr. Klaus Gawrisch (NIH), Arvind Balijepalli (NIST), Bryan Berger (U. Virginia) and Laura Jarboe (U. Iowa).


Professor Klauda's teaching interests include:

  • Thermodynamics (CHBE 301, CHBE 302, ENCH 610)
  • Statistics and Design of Experiments (CHBE 410)
  • Molecular Simulation Methods (CHBE476)

see CV or Google Scholar page: Klauda

Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Graduate Programs Rise to No. 18 Among Public Schools

The department also climbed four spots in the overall category of the U.S. News & World Report’s 2024–25 rankings.

During Alzheimer’s Awareness Month, Chemical Engineers Reach for a Cure

Computational studies of developing therapies for Alzheimer's disease make progress towards a cure.

Chemical Engineering at Maryland On the Rise

2022 USNWR Graduate Rankings put ChemE at Maryland at #19.

The Binding of the Virus

Study published by Mahdi Ghorbani and Jeffery Klauda reveals why COVID-19 has such a high transmission rate.

The Life of a ChBE Undergrad

Hanan Abuzeineh chases her degree and future career, while juggling family life.

Further Strides to Beat the Virus

Klauda Research Group will use NSF grant to further study the relationship between human cells and COVID-19.

ChBE Research Team to Investigate COVID-19

Jeffery Klauda is studying the protein amino acids at the COVID-19/ACE-2 interface.

'Super' Simulations Offer Fresh Insight Into Serotonin Receptors

Klauda research group published in PNAS this morning.

'Leapfrog' Model Offers New Insight into Transdermal Drug Delivery

Study, written by UMD Undergrad Eric Wang, published in the Journal of the American Chemical Society.

Modeling Cellular Membranes

Klauda research group published in Chemical Reviews.

2019 Dean's Doctoral and Master's Student Research Awards

Created by Clark School Dean Darryll Pines, the competition recognize distinguished graduate student researchers in order to help propel their careers and demonstrate the value of high-quality engineering research.

UMD Undergraduate Student Receives NSF Award

Eric Wang was honored at the undergraduate awards ceremony this week for outstanding achievement.

UMD Faculty Awarded ED Grant to Increase Doctoral Degrees in Areas of National Need

The nine-year award is part of ED's Graduate Assistance in Areas of National Need program, also known as GAANN.

Cell Membrane Structure and Dynamics Modeled with Atomic Resolution

ChBE Professor Jeff Klauda published in AIP Journal of Chemical Physics.

UMD Student Eric Wang Named Churchill Scholar

Advised by Jeffrey Klauda, Wang's research focuses on modeling the outer layer of the skin.

Clark School Undergraduate Named 2018 Goldwater Scholar

Junior bioengineering major Eric Wang recognized for work in molecular dynamics.

UMD Research Offers Insight into Structure of Cellular Membrane

Jeffrey Klauda's team uses computer simulation of soybean plasma membrane to further understand molecular behavior.

Nicholas Guros Wins Poster Competition at Conference on Molecular Simulation

ChBE Ph.D. Candidate Nick Guros won an award for best poster at the 4th Annual ICMS in Shanghai, China.

Boughter, Gastfriend, Piekarz Win 2014 Undergraduate Research Awards

Students recognized for work on metabolic engineering, nanoparticle synthesis.

Monje-Galvan Presents Work on Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Protein Binding

Trip to conference supported by Chemical Society of Washington travel award.

Klauda, Sriram Promoted

ChBE professors elevated to rank of Associate Professor with tenure.

Liu Wins NSF CAREER Award

New ceramic membrane could improve conversion of natural gas into chemicals and fuels.

2012-2013 ChBE Undergraduate Awards

Exceptional students recognized at annual ceremony.

Klauda Earns NSF CAREER Award

Grant supports use of advanced simulations to study protein transport in cell membranes.

ChBE Graduate Research Awards Announced

Winners will represent department in college-level competition.

Pendse Wins Travel Award

Chemical Society of Washington helps fund grad student's trip to American Chemical Society's annual meeting.

Villanueva Presents at ACC Conference

ChBE sophomore selected for her work on cell membranes.

Breger, Pendse Win at GRID

ChBE grad students win health, modeling divisions of university-wide research showcase.

Pendse and Klauda’s Protein Research on Cover of Journal of Molecular Biology

New simulations could lay groundwork for understanding antibiotic resistance.

Pendse, Emdadi Take 2nd and 3rd Place at ResearchFest 2010

ChBE students recognized for work in transport, dispersion polymerization.

2008-2009 ChBE Undergraduate Awards

Students recognized at annual Clark School event.

Lim Wins Best Poster Award

Undergraduate presented results of cholesterol study at Bioscience Day.

ChBE Welcomes 3 New Faculty

Klauda, Wang arrive Fall 2007; Sriram Spring 2008.