Equipping students to solve grand challenges

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The educational mission of the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering is to provide students with a fundamental understanding of physical, chemical and biological processes and with the ability to apply molecular and biomolecular information and methods of discovery into products and the processes by which they are made. Our program provides the unique interdisciplinary academic foundation and scholarly training needed to address complex engineering problems with emphasis on the advancing fields of biological engineering and nanotechnology.

Four Year Academic Plans and Curriculum Sheets

All incoming freshmen must develop an academic plan, which maps out all courses needed to graduate within your intended major and degree. The Clark School's Undergraduate Advising web site includes sample plan templates formatted for easy revision and instructions for creating a personalized academic plan. Learn more about Clark School 4-Year Plans and download templates. 

The CHBE Undergraduate Curriculum

Students must complete 125 credits and fulfill all Departmental, College, and University requirements with a cumulative grade point average of 2.0. The CHBE Curriculum is composed of the following elements: 

  1. General Education Requirements of UMD College Park
    See the University's General Education site for course listings and requirements.
  2. Fundamental Subjects
    Mathematics (4 semesters), physics (3 semesters), chemistry (5 semesters, including general, organic, bioanalytical, and biochemistry), biology (1 semester), and engineering sciences courses required of all engineering students.
  3. 40 Credits of CHBE Courses
    These include: CHBE 101, CHBE 250, CHBE 301, CHBE 302, CHBE 333, CHBE 410, CHBE 422, CHBE 424, CHBE 426, CHBE 437, CHBE 440, CHBE 442, CHBE 444, and CHBE 446.
    View the CHBE course descriptions
  4. 9 credits of CHBE Technical Electives
    Students must consult with an advisor on selection of appropriate courses for their particular course of study.
    View the list of undergraduate technical electives.



The Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering undergraduate program is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET. For more information, visit our accreditation page


