Four-Year B.S. Program 

For comparison, the current degree program for B.S. students majoring in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering in their senior year is:

Year 4

Fall (7th semester): 15 Credits Total

Spring (8th Semester): 12 Credits Total

CHBE 437: Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering Laboratory (3) CHBE 446: Process Engineering Economics and Design II (3)
CHBE 442: Chemical & Biomolecular Systems Analysis (3) Elective 2 (3)
CHBE 444: Process Engineering Economics and Design I (3) Elective 3 (3)
Elective 1 (3) GenEd (3)
GenEd (3)  

Sample B.S./M.S. Program I

This program follows closely to the standard B.S. program for the 4th year. Program changes are in the research credit course (CHBE 648), which is now counted as an elective, and that all electives must be taken as a graduate-level course.

Note: Although no credits are listed during the summer of the 4th year for research, a student will be expect to devote his/her/their time to research during summer. Otherwise, graduating in 5 years with a B.S./M.S. degree may not be possible.

Year 4

Year 5

Fall (7th Semester): 15 Credits Total

Fall (9th Semester): 11 Credits Total

CHBE 437: Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering Laboratory (3) CHBE 609: Chemical Engineering Graduate Seminar (1)
CHBE 442: Chemical & Biomolecular Systems Analysis (3) CHBE 610: Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics (3)
CHBE 444: Process Engineering Economics and Design I (3) CHBE 620: Methods of Engineering Analysis (3)
Elective 1 (3) (Double counted) CHBE 799: M.S. Research (3)
GenEd (3) CHBE 648: Special Problems in Chemical Engineering (1)

Spring (8th Semester): 12 Credits Total

Spring (10th Semester): 10 Credits Total

CHBE 446: Process Engineering Economics and Design II (3) CHBE 609: Chemical Engineering Graduate Seminar (1)
Elective 2 (3) (Double counted) CHBE 630: Transport Phenomena (3)
CHBE 648: Special Problems in Chemical Engineering (3) ( Double counted)    CHBE 640: Advanced Chemical Reaction Kinetics (3)
GenEd (3) CHBE 799: M.S. Research (3)
  M.S. Thesis Defense

Sample B.S./M.S. Program II

This program assumes that the student has taken CHBE 437 before starting the fall of the 4th year, i.e., during the summer.  This allows the student to take one core graduate courses during their 4th year.  As described above, the research credit course (CHBE 648) is now counted as an elective and all electives must be taken as a graduate-level course.

Note: Although no credits are listed during the summer of the 4th year for research, a student will be expect to devote his/her/their time to research during summer. Otherwise, graduating in 5 years with a B.S./M.S. degree may not be possible.

Year 4

Year 5

Fall (7th Semester): 15 Credits Total

Fall (9th Semester): 10 Credits Total

CHBE 442: Chemical & Biomolecular Systems CHBE 609: Chemical Engineering Graduate Seminar (1)
Analysis (3) CHBE 610: Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics (3)
CHBE 444: Process Engineering Economics and Design I (3) CHBE 620: Methods of Engineering Analysis (3)
Elective 1 (3) (Double counted) CHBE 799: M.S. Research (3)
GenEd (3)  

Spring (8th Semester): 15 Credits Total

Spring (10th Semester): 8 Credits Total

CHBE 446: Process Engineering Economics and Design II (3) CHBE 609: Chemical Engineering Graduate Seminar (1)
CHBE 630: Transport Phenomena (3) CHBE 640: Advanced Chemical Reaction Kinetics (3)
CHBE 648: Special Problems in Chemical Engineering (3) (Double counted)  CHBE 799: M.S. Research (3)
Elective 2 (3) (Double counted) CHBE 648: Special Problems in Chemical Engineering (1)  
GenEd (3) M.S. Thesis Defense
Summary: 13 credits in Year 4, 17 credits in Year 5; Total = 30 credits for M.S.

What Are the Differences Between Sample Programs I and II?

Ideally, the student’s research can be maximized if the coursework is reduced during a semester. Thus, Sample Program II allows the student to complete many of the required graduate courses by the end of Year 4, allowing the student to devote more of Year 5 to research. Sample Program I, on the other hand, balances coursework and research over the two years.

Can I Drop Out of the B.S./M.S. Program in my 4th Year?

We admit students to this program expecting they will complete the program, but there is an option to drop out of the M.S. portion of the B.S/M.S. program in the fourth (senior) year. Any graduate elective in CHBE 6XX (research, 648, or course-based elective) that was previously approved for B.S./M.S. double-counting will count towards a technical elective for the BS program. These double counted courses will count for the BS program and allow a student to leave with just the B.S. degree in their 4th year without a M.S.

Additional Information


