ISR faculty and affiliates, preferentially those from ChBE.
Who will act as advisors to the Master of Science in Systems Engineering (MSSE) students?
Does the degree program require a thesis?
Generally, the MSSE degree is a thesis degree and our sample program corresponds to the thesis option. Under unusual circumstances and with the approval of their advisor and ISR, students may pursue a non-thesis option where they will be required to submit a scholarly paper that is reviewed by ISR faculty and will replace the research credits with approved technical electives.
What if a student must leave the program during their senior year in ChBE?
The student should replace ENSE 622 with a ChBE-approved elective; or, with the approval of the student's ChBE advisor, continue with the fourth year as-listed, using ENSE 622 as a ChBE-approved elective (with student choice of the third elective). No other changes to the senior year are required.
Can ENES 489P be used in place of ENSE 621?
No. University regulations require all classes double-counted in a combined B.S.+M.S. program be 600-level or above. Furthermore, ENES 489P cannot be used as the third ChBE technical elective.
What can students do in the summer between the eighth and ninth semesters?
Having taken two core ENSE classes, potential internship opportunities may open to the students. Likewise, students can also pursue thesis research towards their MSSE.
What are the tuition implications of the program?
Graduate-level courses taken while the student is an undergraduate are paid for by the student's full-time undergraduate tuition. The balance of credits taken as a graduate student enrolled in the master of science program are subject to the tuition and fees set by the University of Maryland Office of the Bursar.
Who can I contact for more information?
Dr. Jeffrey Herrmann
Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Director, Systems Engineering Graduate Program
Institute for Systems Research
0151B Glenn L. Martin Hall
Dr. Raymond Adomaitis
Professor, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Institute for Systems Research