Be Globally Minded

Why study abroad?

  • Earn academic credit toward your chemical and biological engineering major
  • Gain an international understanding of technical and social issues vital to competing in a global economy and workforce
  • Immerse yourself in another cultural and education system
  • Gain leadership and collaboration experience
  • Learn about chemical and biological engineering issues in a real-world context

Fearlessly embrace global and local challenges

You will gain the knowledge, skills, and perspectives to become a mindful and engaged global citizen. You will acquire a strong sense of social responsibility with the ability to fearlessly embrace global and local challenges.

Nanyang Technological University

Nanyang Technological University is located in Singapore.

Learn moreAbout Nanyang Technological University

Universidad Pontifica Comillas

Universidad Pontifica Comillas is located in Madrid, Spain.

Learn MoreAbout Universidad Pontifica Comillas

University of Manchester

University of Manchester is located in Manchester, England, UK.

Learn moreAbout University of Manchester

University of Glasgow

University of Glasgow is located in Glasgow, Scotland, UK.

Learn moreAbout University of Glasgow
