News Story
Sengers Tours Europe as Invited Lecturer, Visiting Professor

Professor Emeritus Jan V. Sengers.
Sengers will be staying in Madrid, where he will serve as a Visiting Professor in Applied Physics at the Complutense University of Madrid until the end of the year. Throughout the semester he will be traveling throughout Spain, France, and Germany for invited lectures, including "Critical dynamics in polymer solutions" at the Annual Meeting of the Royal Spanish Physical Society, in Granada, Spain; "Mesoscopic fluctuations in nonequilibrium fluids" at a conference on Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics in Sevilla, Spain; "Computer simulations of critical dynamics" at a symposium at the University of Vigo, Ourense, Spain; "Thermal fluctuations in nonequilibrium thermodynamics" at a workshop on Statistical Physics of Systems out of Equilibrium at the Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris, France; and "Computer simulations of critical dynamics in fluids" at a Symposium in memory of UMD Professor Richard A. Ferrell on Strongly Interacting Systems: Past, Present, and Future, at the Max-Planck Institut für Physik Komplexer Systeme in Dresden, Germany.
Published September 12, 2007