Faculty Directory

Albertus, Paul

Albertus, Paul

Associate Professor
Associate Director
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Maryland Energy Innovation Institute
1206B Engineering Lab Building, UMD College Park


Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley, 2009


Program Director, Advanced Research Programs Agency - Energy, US Department of Energy, 2014-2018

Senior Research Engineer, Robert Bosch Research and Technology Center, Palo Alto, CA, 2009-2013



  • Electrochemical technologies for energy storage and conversion, including the materials needed to enable advances.
  • Lithium-ion, lithium metal, flow, and other battery systems.
  • Electrolysis processes, including alkaline water electrolysis.
  • Degradation and failure analysis.
  • Continuum-scale mathematical modeling of electrochemical processes and devices.
  • Thermodynamic, transport, and kinetic property measurements.
  • Energy technology entrepreneurship and innovation, including energy system analysis to identify innovation opportunities.


At ARPA-E I led the creation of two new programs, here are links to the Funding Opportunity Announcements I wrote with my colleagues:

IONICS (solid separators for lithium metal batteries, alkaline electrolysis/fuel cells, and flow batteries)

DAYS (stationary energy storage systems with 10 to 100 hours at rated power)

Here are some of the projects we are working on and thinking about:

  • Lithium metal electrode stability and performance.
  • Coupling of mechanics with electrochemistry.
  • Solid state battery safety, including (1) experimental work on the thermochemistry of the reactions that take place among Li battery components upon heating, and (2) modeling work to project how large-format Li metal batteries will behave upon heating and short circuiting.
  • Performance and degradation of Li metal cells with conversion cathode materials (including primary cells).
  • Electrochemical technologies for deep decarbonization.
  • Mathematical modeling of coupled, non-linear electrochemical processes.

We greatly appreciate current funding support from agencies including DOE Basic Energy SciencesDOE ARPA-E, the BIRD Foundation through the US-Israel Energy CenterCREB, and the IARPA RESILIENCE program.

CHBE473/CHBE673: Electrochemical Energy Engineering 

CHBE422: Transport Phenomena I:  Fluid Dynamics

UMD prominently showcased at ARPA-E summit

16 booths and 3 tech demos highlighted

Microscopic Particles Dance to the Tune of Electrochemical Reactions

UMD study reveals a class of materials known as "active matter."

Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Graduate Programs Rise to No. 18 Among Public Schools

The department also climbed four spots in the overall category of the U.S. News & World Report’s 2024–25 rankings.

Maryland Researchers Awarded $1.5 Million to Pioneer Batteries for Electric Rail and Maritime Transportation

New technologies could reduce the carbon footprint attributed to the freight transportation sector.

CREB Receives $9M Cooperative Agreement

DOD funding will advance transformational U.S. Army battery technology

UMD receives 2 IARPA RESILIENCE awards

New program launched from Office of National Intelligence

CREB Kicks Off 2021 with Meeting to Discuss Future of Battery Research

The virtual meeting aimed to bolster battery technology under extreme conditions.

UMD Research Team Advances the Battery Revolution

Solid state energy storage research receives $2.25M in DOE funding.

UMD Faculty Members to Lead U.S. Side of $18.4M U.S.-Israel Energy Center Project

Project will develop lithium and sodium metal solid-state-batteries for advanced energy storage applications.