News Story
Please Join Us for a Career and Information Fair!

Please join us for a Career and Information Fair! This event is specifically for the Departments of ChBE, MSE and BioE, so update your CV and dress to impress!
Internships & full-time positions are available, or come just to learn more about career opportunities in your field.
Please RSVP at by Monday, February 20, so that we can print a nametag for you.
Need resume advice? Click here for guidelines and then stop by the Engineering Career Services Office, 1131 Glenn L. Martin Hall for a critique.
Employers Attending (more may be added later)
Accenture |
Aceto |
Aerotek |
AgNovos Healthcare |
AllianceBio |
Barry-Wehmiller Design Group |
Becton Dickinson |
Booz Allen Hamilton |
Central Intelligence Agency |
Children's National Health System |
Cytonix |
Emergent Biosolutions |
GlaxoSmithKline |
IDA Science & Technology Policy Institute |
Imagilin Technology |
Maryland Development Center |
Materials Modification |
MedImmune |
MedStar Health, Simulation Training Lab |
National Institute of Standards and Technology |
National Institutes of Health |
PathSensors |
Personal Genome Diagnostics |
Saft America |
Senseonics |
Smithers Avanza |
UM Bioprocess Scale-Up Facility |
US Department of Energy |
US Food and Drug Administration |
Vasoptic Medical |
Published February 14, 2017