News Story
Nuclear Program Alumnus Takes Sr. Position at Thorium Power
Alumnus Claudio Filippone (Ph.D. '96, nuclear engineering) has been named the Senior Director of Nuclear Technology Analysis for Virginia-based Thorium Power, Ltd., a company that develops non-proliferative nuclear fuel technology and provides comprehensive advisory services for emerging nuclear programs with an emphasis on transparency, non-proliferation, safety and operational excellence.
In a recent press release, Thorium describes Filippone as a "nuclear industry stalwart."
"Claudio is widely recognized as one of the most accomplished and innovative nuclear researchers active in the field, " Seth Grae, Thorium Power's President and CEO, says of him in the release. Having Filippone on staff, Executive Vice President for International Nuclear Operations Andrey Mushakov adds, "… will help bring a sharp focus on how best to demonstrate the inherent advantages of our fuel designs in terms of proliferation resistance, low waste generation and operator economics."
Filippone is an expert in nuclear engineering and related energy systems, with experience in advanced thermal-hydraulic systems utilized in conventional and advanced nuclear, fossil-fuel burning, and renewable energy power systems. In 2005, he served as senior science advisor to Washington Policy and Analysis, Inc., a D.C.-based consultancy headed by the former Deputy Secretary of Energy and current chairman of the Department of Energy's Nuclear Energy Research Advisory Committee. He is also the author of numerous nuclear related patents and is an intellectual property specialist.
For More Information:
Visit the Thorium Power, Ltd. Web site »
Read the Thorium Power, Ltd. Press Release »
Published July 18, 2008