News Story
Adomaitis Elevated to Full Professor

Professor Raymond Adomaitis.
Adomaitis joined the University of Maryland as a research scientist with ISR in 1990. In 1995 he received a joint appointment to the faculties of the (then) Department of Chemical Engineering and ISR, and later served as Acting Chair of the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering.
His research focuses on developing chemical process simulation methods with applications in semiconductor manufacturing and solar energy. Specifically, he uses object-oriented computing concepts to simplify the development of modular simulations of nonlinear and distributed parameter systems. The goal of his work is to make the implementation of the advanced MWR necessary for the development of reduced-order models for semiconductor and other chemical process simulation, optimization, control, parameter identification, and sensing applications as transparent as possible.
Adomaitis teaches undergraduate courses on computer methods in chemical engineering and thermodynamics.
Learn More:
"Could You Build A Better iPod?"
An introduction for everyone to some of Professor Adomaitis' research.
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Published May 7, 2009