News Story
Energy Harvesting Colloquium to be held on campus

Professor Agis Illiadis
Electrical and Computer Engineering Professor Agis Illiadis of the A. James Clark School of Engineering is an invited speaker for a one day colloquium focused on Energy Harvesting Devices. The colloquium is co-hosted by the Baltimore Chapter of IEEE Electron Devices and Solid-State Circuits, the University of Maryland (UMD), College Park, and the Army Research Lab. It will be held on Tuesday, September 25 in the Benjamin Banneker room of the Stamp Student Union on the UMD campus. Attendance is free; however registration is requested.
Professor Illiadis will present on "Metal Oxides: Potential for Sensing & Energy Harvesting." Other invited speakers include Dr. Edward Shaffer, Army Research Laboratory; Professor Vikram Dalal, Iowa State University; Professor Santosh Kurinec, Rochester Institute of Technology; Dr. James Horowitz, Department of Energy (DOE); Professor Edward Yu, University of Texas, Austin; and Professor Rajendra Singh, Clemson University, SC.
Tuesday, September 25th
10 AM - 5 PM
Stamp Student Union
Admission is free!
After presentations and lectures by the invited speakers, a panel discussion on paths to reliable, efficient and low cost solar cell development will ensue. Panel participants include: Dr. Anu Kaul, NSF, Chair; Dr. Mike Wraback, ARL; and Mr. Scott Stephens, DOE.
For more information on this colloquium opportunity, see the event website:
Published September 18, 2012