News Story
Blood-Clotting Invention Featured on CBS News

Seconds after the "nano-velcro" was added to this phial of blood, it gelled into a solid mass.
Fischell Fellow and bioengineering graduate student Matt Dowling and his advisor, Department of Chemical and Biomolecular associate professor Srinivasa Raghavan, spoke to reporter Elizabeth Jia about the material being referred to as "nano-Velcro" for its ability to gently hook into a wound while controlling bleeding ranging from minor cuts to traumatic battlefield injuries.
Dowling and Raghavan are part of a start-up company called Remedium Technologies that was created to develop and market two products based on the material: a sponge-like bandage that is applied directly to a wound to stop hemorrhaging, and a spray that halts blood loss and seals tissue in a variety of situations, from minor surgical bleeding to life-threatening arterial punctures. Dowling, the company's CEO, has been successfully competing in a variety of business plan and venture capital competitions as part of an effort to spread awareness of the research and garner funding. Most recently, Remedium won the "Best Inventor Pitch" at Bioscience Day 2008.
Pre-clinical testing is currently underway for both Remedium products.
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For More Information:
Visit the Remedium Technologies web site »
Visit Professor Raghavan's Complex Fluids and Nanomaterials Group web site »
Visit the Fischell Department of Bioengineering web site »
Visit the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering web site »
Published December 12, 2008