Choi Appointed to Korean Global R&D Advisory Committee

Clark School Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering (ChBE) professor Kyu Yong Choi has received a two-year appointment to the Global R&D Advisory Committee of Korea. Choi was selected to serve by Korean Ministry of Knowledge and Economy (MKE) leader Suk Woo Hong, who announced the appointment in Washington, D.C. on December 7.

The committee's mission is to advise the MKE—Korea's equivalent of the U.S.'s Departments of Energy and Commerce—on how best to promote cooperation between the two countries in the area of commercializing intellectual properties, particularly those developed at universities. The committee is expected to propose strategies that use these partnerships to create jobs and programs designed to boost both countries' economic development. Choi says the committee also plans to identify and invite experts in major areas of interest—including energy, IT, and nano- and biomedical technology—to attend joint technical workshops in Korea.

"I am happy to help link leading-edge scientific and engineering outcomes with commercialization potential to industries in both Korea and the U.S.," says Choi of his involvement.

Published December 11, 2012