All PhD students are required to have at least one submitted first-author publication to peer-reviewed journal (reviewed by experts of the field) on new research by the time of the Ph.D. defense. If submission is expected after the defense, an exception can be made with approval by the Graduate Director and the student’s Ph.D. advisor(s). However, a concrete plan for the submission must be described and exemptions will only be made for extraordinary circumstances.
The Ph.D. student will be required to fill out a Google From that will provide publication and presentation information. This will be done when asking for signatures for the approved committee form and final dissertation approval. The format should be in PDF as follows:
- A list of publications on which the student is either the first author or a co-author. Provide the full citation (title, all authors, DOI, etc.). Subdivide into:
- Publications that have appeared in print: specify full citation
- Publications that have been submitted and are under review: specify dates
- Publications that will be submitted after the defense: specify tentative titles, and dates
- A list of conference presentations on which the student is either the first author or a co-author. Provide full details (title, authors, etc.). Specify speaker. Subdivide into:
- Presentations that have been delivered
- Presentations that have been scheduled (abstract accepted): specify dates
- Presentations for which abstracts will be submitted: specify tentative titles, and date