ChBE Seminar Series: Dane Wittrup, M.I.T.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017
11:00 a.m.
2108, Chemical and Nuclear Engineering Building
Dongxia Liu

Speaker: Dane Wittrup, ChBE Professor at M.I.T.

Title: Bioengineering of synergistic innate and adaptive immunotherapy of cancer

Abstract: Harnessing the immune system to attack cancer has started a revolution in oncology.  The ability of the adaptive immune system to track such evolving pathologies has provided robust responses and cures in 10-25% of previously intractable cancers such as metastatic melanoma.  The next frontier is to “raise the tail” of the survival curve in such cancers by finding synergistic combination therapies.  Chemical and biological engineers have pioneered approaches that are well suited to such investigations, bringing quantitative problem-solving synthetic and analytical toolkits to bear.  I’ll provide examples from my lab where cocktails of anti-tumor antibodies and cytokines have accomplished highly safe and efficacious therapies as tested in mouse models of cancer. 

Bio: Please follow link above.

Audience: Public 

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