ChBE Seminar Series: Paul Albertus

Tuesday, April 14, 2015
11:00 a.m.-12:15 p.m.
Room 2108, Chemical and Nuclear Engineering Building
Professor Ganesh Sriram

Electrochemical Processes and Materials for Energy Applications
Paul Albertus
Advanced Research Projects Agency – Energy
Department of Energy

Electrochemical processes and materials have a crucial role to play in solving this century's energy challenges.  The first part of the presentation will focus on electrochemical energy storage, highlighting modeling and experimental work on several different battery chemistries, including aging in Li-ion batteries, capacity limitations in Li/Oxygen batteries, and flow patterns in high-power Hydrogen/Bromine flow batteries.   The second part of the presentation will discuss the role that solid ion conducting materials can play in improving the performance of existing energy-related electrochemical processes and enabling new ones.  Recent analysis carried out at ARPA-E illuminates promising approaches to create novel materials and devices based on solid ion conductors.

Audience: Clark School  Graduate  Undergraduate  Faculty  Staff  Post-Docs 

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