During our interview with Jaime, he stressed the importance of building personal, academic and professional relationships that will enhance your life and career. Other than those mentioned in the interview, Jaime asked to take this opportunity to share a few things about the great variety of people who helped him get where he is today:
"I was inspired to aspire by my mother, who [earned] her M.A. in education, [attended] law school and later [took] M.B.A courses; and my dad, a resolute, round-the-clock physician. They put themselves through their universities and professional schools, a model I was fortunate to emulate once I transferred to Maryland.
"I also greatly appreciate the support of my wife, the first woman to graduate from the Naval Academy at Annapolis. Her unique combination of academic, postgraduate, research and naval leadership experience were invaluable to us both as we pursued our careers and raised a family.
"Thanks to the combination of Navy providing us with a home in charming Ibstone and the support of the Courage Brewing Ltd. Brewery in Reading, Berkshire, during our years in England, it was possible for me to attend Oxford. I have wonderful memories of times in the lab with colleagues and scholars like my advisors, Professors Bellhouse (medical engineering) and Esnouf (clinical biochemistry). My wife's Naval colleagues, including her captain in London and the Sealift Command's Executive Officer, were very welcoming during our time away from home.
"At [my current job at] Gambrinus, my colleagues are consummate professionals who have all taught me a lot. These include our owner and president, Carlos Alvarez–a talented biochemical engineer himself–who along with his wife Malu are generous and dynamic supporters of higher education; our financial team including our CFO, controller, and treasurer; and our master brewers, brewery engineer, physical chemist, and QA manager–I have learned something from or been inspired by everyone.
"I think it's also important to understand and embrace the value of what you learn outside of your department while in school. I learned so much from people like Professors Gomezplata (heat transfer) and Castellan in Chemistry; lecturer Rich Marriott in Materials Science; Professor Swaney in Mathematics; and [GA] Keith Lindler in Mechanical Engineering.
"And don't forget your classmates! Help each other out. My classmates, including Brian Turner, Jeff Strank, Steve Chalk, Cindy Bohse, Renee Marsh, Don Barber, Don Walter, Rafael Sela, Russell Sheets, Diane Delfosse, and so many others helped me get through the roughest parts of my undergraduate education."