News Story
Sriram Group Member Wins Library Award

Ho-Man Yeung.
The $1000 awards, presented by the University of Maryland Libraries and the Maryland Center for Undergraduate Research, are meant to showcase the work of students who have most effectively demonstrated the value of library and information resources in their research. In addition to the cash prize, the winning projects and essays will be included in the Digital Repository at the University of Maryland (DRUM) and published in the Paper Shell Review Journal, the University of Maryland, College Park's only undergraduate journal of book reviews and essays on literary topics.
Sriram explains why he nominated Yeung, who works on a research project that measures mass fragmentation patterns of the sugars for metabolic flux analysis, for the award: "Using the information resources available to him on campus, Ho-Man very impressively identified the gaps in the relevant literature, performed a series of well-conceived experiments to fill them in, and wrote a manuscript on his findings that is pending submission to a journal—and he did this all in about six months."
Published April 28, 2011