Faculty Directory

Ehrman, Sheryl H.

Ehrman, Sheryl H.

Emeritus Professor
Dean of Engineering, San Jose State University
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering


Ph.D., UCLA, 1997


Professor Ehrman joined the Clark School and Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering (ChBE) faculty in 1998, and later became an affiliate faculty member in both the Chemical Physics Program and the Graduate Program in Bioengineering. Dr. Ehrman has developed a research program focusing on formation, characterization, and processing of dry particles (aerosols); emissions, transport, and fate of air pollution; and research at the intersection of aerosol science, medicine, and public health.


  • Faculty and Staff Inductee, Omicron Delta Kappa National Leadership Honor Society, Sigma Circle, Spring 2015
  • Merrill Presidential Scholar Mentorship Honoree, 2014
  • Fulbright Alumni Ambassador, 2013–2016
  • American Chemical Society PROGRESS Lectureship Award, 2007
  • University Institute of Chemical Technology, University of Mumbai, Golden Jubilee Fellow, 2007
  • Keystone Academy of Distinguished Professors, A. James Clark School of Engineering, University of Maryland, 2007
  • Fulbright Scholar, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, Mumbai, India, 2006–2007
  • A. James Clark School of Engineering, University of Maryland, E. Robert Kent Outstanding Teaching Award for Junior Faculty, 2006
  • National Science Foundation (NSF) CAREER award, 2001
  • Ralph E. Powe Junior Faculty Enhancement Award, Oak Ridge Associated Universities, 1999

Aerosol and nanoparticle technology.

Our group is active in three main research areas:

  1. Development of scalable processes to make nanostructured battery cathode materials (funding: Army Research Laboratory) and metal micro-particles for conductive pastes and printable electronics (funding: NSF, DuPont);
  2. Research into air pollution in the Mid-Atlantic region with an emphasis on air pollution emissions relevant to policy (funding: Maryland Department of the Environment, NSF); and
  3. Development of instruments for characterizing exhaled breath aerosol as a non-invasive diagnostic, and for improving understanding of disease transmission by aerosol routes (funding: I-ARPA). 

Flu Study Conducted by UMD Researchers Making Headlines

ChBE researchers contributed to C.A.T.C.H. the Virus study led by Donald Milton in the UMD School of Public Health.

CHBE Chair Sheryl Ehrman Departs for San Jose

Ehrman has accepted the position of Don Beall Dean of the Davidson College of Engineering.

ChBE Alumna Receives Fullbright Scholarship

Ezinne Achinivu will focus her research on the development of biomass processing in Riems, France, beginning in June.

Boughter, Gastfriend, Piekarz Win 2014 Undergraduate Research Awards

Students recognized for work on metabolic engineering, nanoparticle synthesis.

Emissions from Natural Gas Wells May Travel Far Downwind

New study sees steep rise in ethane accompanying the rise in fracking.

Undergrads Host AIChE Conference; Chem-E Car Shelldon Heads to National Competition

AIChE welcomes more than 300 chemical engineering students from more than two dozen schools.

Klauda, Sriram Promoted

ChBE professors elevated to rank of Associate Professor with tenure.

2013-2014 ChBE Undergraduate Awards

Exceptional students recognized at annual ceremony.

Up In the Air: Does Fracking Create More Pollution Now than Using Natural Gas Will Prevent Later?

Green Fund Fellowship supports interdisciplinary effort to model emissions.

C. Wang Enters R&D Partnership with Huizhou Eve Energy

Professor will develop battery components for China’s top manufacturer.

Zachariah Joins ChBE Faculty

Longtime affiliate specializes in nanoparticles, reaction engineering.

Solar Team Distills Most and Purest Water at International Competition

Students from civil, chemical engineering win awards in Environmental Design Contest.

ChBE Undergrads Win Prestigious Industrial Internships from SCI Program

"Exceptional sophomores and juniors" chosen from nationwide field of applicants for $6K-$10K internships.

2012-2013 ChBE Undergraduate Awards

Exceptional students recognized at annual ceremony.

Anisimov Elected to Russian Academies of Engineering and Natural Sciences

UMD professor of chemical and biomolecular engineering elected as a foreign member of both Russian Academies.

Dominion Resources Supports Lab Upgrade

$30K gift supports purchase of new heat exchanger station for chemical engineering unit ops facility.

Fisher, Lidie Win Electrochemical Society Student Chapter Poster Contest

Grad students receive complimentary conference registration.

Clark School Wins Major Research Instrumentation Awards

NSF funding for research to improve spray technology, creation of x-ray center for nano research.

Less Precious: Big Copper Particles Could Make Your Electronics Cheaper

ChBE collaboration with DuPont seeks safer, more affordable way to manufacture electronics.

Raghavan Promoted

Faculty member elevated to rank of full professor.

Chunsheng Wang Promoted

Faculty member becomes Associate Professor, receives tenure, effective July 1.

ChBE Graduate Research Awards Announced

Winners will represent department in college-level competition.

ResearchFest 2012

Marquardt receives top prize; Chiang, Fernandes and Hsu also selected for honors.

ChBE Undergrads Win 5 of 29 Prestigious Industrial Internships

"Exceptional sophomores and juniors" chosen from nationwide field of applicants for $6K-$10K internships.

Lopresti Honored at Commencement

Academic director receives Clark School's Outstanding Service Award.

Sriram Named Keystone Professor

Professor recognized for classroom innovation and dedication to undergraduates.

Team Thirsty Turtles Wins Chem-E Car Regional Championship

Group will compete in AIChE national competition this fall.

Conway, Ehrman, Guo and Wachsman Present at Sustainability Workshop

Presentations covered solar and fuel cell solutions, advanced batteries.

2010-2011 ChBE Undergraduate Awards

Exceptional students recognized by the Department, Clark School, and professional societies.

Gordon Wins Physics Teaching Award

Grad student recognized for work in PHYS 121, 122.

P2OWDER Lab's Green Efforts Profiled in the Diamondback

Group tracks air pollution, devises greener manufacturing techniques, explores solar energy and fuel cell solutions.

Raghavan Wins Clark School Faculty Teaching Award

Professor recognized at December 2010 Commencement.

Ehrman Appointed Chair of ChBE

Professor to begin term August 23, 2010.

Alumnus Wins World Nuclear University Fellowship

Quynh Nguyen (Ph.D. '03, chemical engineering) attends Summer Institute at Oxford.

Ehrman Elevated to Full Professorship

Promotion effective July 1, 2010.

Ehrman Featured in Fox5 Hovercraft Segment

Professor describes Keystone program while students demonstrate their hovercraft.

Gonzales, Subramanian Win Department Research Awards

Grad students recognized for work on thesis, dissertation.

Ehrman Presents at Sustainability Workshop

Professor discusses solar energy-related research.

ResearchFest 2009 Winners Announced

Nargund, Thomas, and Dowling presentations come out on top.

Gordon Named Distinguished Teaching Assistant

Graduate student recognized at university reception.

Gordon Selected for Future Faculty Program

Graduate student joins highly selective cohort.

Senior NSF Advisor in Nanotechnology to Speak in College Park

National Nanotechnology Initiative founder to participate in NanoCenter Lecture Series

Fond Farewell to Graduates

Nariman Farvardin presides over final graduation as Clark School dean.

Wang Wins Faculty Service Award

Professor recognized for service to department and the Clark School.

Three New Keystone Professors Selected

Ehrman, Gomez and Duncan join the Clark School Academy of Distinguished Professors.

Gordon Attends International Winter School

Weeklong program on the chemistry of materials held in Bangalore, India.

Castellanos, Gonzales Selected for Future Faculty Program

Program prepares graduate students for a career in academia.

Ehrman Receives Faculty Award

Associate professor is the 2006 winner of the E. Robert Kent Outstanding Teaching Award for Junior Faculty.

Commencement Speakers Cite Change and Values

Ceremony features awards for outstanding teaching, staff service.

Ehrman Wins Fulbright Award

ChBE associate professor to put award towards work at IIT Mumbai.

ChBE Alumnus Now Faculty at the University of Seoul

Jung Hyeun Kim is now an Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering at the University of Seoul.